Corporate Offices are located at:
13 Cedar Lane
Bow, NH  03304
Phone: 603-226-2429

Welcome to Sector Software Inc.’s small site on the world wide web!

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Oracle 8i for Linux is Up 
and Running!
Click here to learn more!  





Sector Software Inc. is pleased to have you stop by to become acquainted with our site and us!

We are a software company providing our customers with high quality, networked applications written to meet specific corporate or organizational objectives.  We assist our clients with customized software we write, computer server and workstation hardware, and specialized peripherals, as well as Windows NT networking support.  

Most recently we have expanded our services, both hardware and software, with the addition of the Linux.  We are excited about the stability, industrial strength and cost effectiveness of this promising operating system.

Our applications are unique and interesting, incorporating the latest in technologies including:

With this web site, we hope to give you a flavor of the kinds of solutions we provide our clients and can provide to you as well.  So take a few moments and browse our site using the navigation buttons and hyperlinks located on these pages.
